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Friday, October 16, 2020

Exceptions to the Law of Entropy

More of a Science idea, but we actually found it useful to include in creativity work.   And in work that related  to the application of AI to process.   I post it here to remind myself of the connection and pass it along to others out there.  Is it creeping into other 'engineering' efforts.  For example, is Quantum an aspect of the below?

Stochastic thermodynamics finds exceptions to the law of entropy  By Tim Andersen, Ph.D.  in Medium

 Thermodynamics is one of the most venerable physical theories. 18th and 19th century physicists like Carnot, Clausius, Gibbs, Helmholtz, and Boltzmann established it as a cornerstone of how macroscopic systems made of many, many constituent particles behave, how heat is transported from one system to another, and how engines do work and with what efficiency.

It is from thermodynamics that we get laws like: there are no perpetual motion machines (machines with 100% or more efficiency or that have non-zero efficiency in thermal equilibrium).

Unlike the laws of mechanics or many field theories, however, thermodynamics has always been recognized as containing both strict and de facto laws. The primary laws are:

   - Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. (Strict)

   - Entropy can never decrease. (De Facto)

There are qualifiers to this. In the 1st law, the system must be closed. For the second, we are talking about bringing two or more isolated systems together.

The conservation of energy is a consequence of time translation symmetry of our universe. All times in physical laws can be shifted by a constant amount. We get that from Emmy Noether’s theorem. No physical law breaks the conservation of energy.

The second law is a “de facto” law of physics. I use this term where others might use the word “statistical”. But to say it is statistical is an understatement compared to other fields like sociology. Until about 25 years ago, a violation of the 2nd law was almost thought to be impossible.   ... "

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