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Sunday, November 04, 2018

Should Alexa be Your Child's Friend?

Should you let your children talk to and treat an assistant like Alexa as a friend?    Imaginary friends have been a common thing, is this different?      And is an assistant more or less damaging than a more featured smart phone?  Does it help children speak clearly and get feedback?   Are its dangers just examples of over exposure?   Are such assistants  important to get used to because they will proliferate?   Get smarter?   Is reassurance from a device a good idea?    Some parents and children's psych experts speak:

Should Alexa Be Your Child’s Friend?   by  Monica Chin in Tom'sGuide.

Robin E. was folding laundry when she heard her son talking to Alexa downstairs in a soft, hopeful voice. The 5-year-old was asking, "Alexa, will you be my friend?"
Robin held her breath, waiting tensely for Alexa's response. Finally, she heard the  ...  assistant say, brightly, "I’m happy to be your friend."

Robin and her husband have an Echo Spot in their bedroom and an Echo Show on their kitchen counter. Her son (who Robin requested not be named in this story) is the oldest of three children, and often has trouble connecting with his peers in his Pre-K. Alexa has been, in Robin's words, a "kind, reassuring presence" as he navigates the new social landscape.  ... " 

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