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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Insect Robotics

For some time Harvard has been the nexus for small robotics.  For small, swarming or sensor tasks.

Unleashed, Robo-Insect Takes Flight 
The New York Times
Knvul Sheikh
June 26, 2019

Researchers at Harvard University have developed a robot capable of untethered flight. The RoboBee X-Wing robot is equipped with four tiny wings made of carbon fiber and polyester, and even smaller photovoltaic cells. In bright light, these solar cells generate about five volts of electricity, which a small transformer then boosts to the 200 volts necessary to allow the robot to take flight. When the higher voltage is applied to two piezoelectric actuators, they bend and contract, similar to how an insect's muscles would. This process drives the flapping motion of the RoboBee's wings. The researchers found the RoboBee can match the thrust efficiency of similarly sized insects, such as bees. .... " 

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