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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Amazon to Retrain Third of Workforce

Internal retraining makes much sense given the cost of acquisition and HR. 

Amazon to Retrain a Third of Its U.S. Workforce
The Wall Street Journal
Chip Cutter

Amazon will spend up to $700 million to retrain 100,000 of its U.S. workers by 2025, one of the biggest corporate retraining initiatives on record. The company said it will expand its existing training programs and launch some new ones to help employees move into more advanced jobs. The training is voluntary, and most of the programs will be free to employees. Some of the programs include more advanced training, such as its Machine Learning University, which will be open to thousands of current software engineers with computer science backgrounds. Peter Cappelli of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School said Amazon’s retraining programs will likely help the company recruit and retain workers, so “It’s not altruistic. There’s some hard-nosed business-decision-making behind this.” .... ' 

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