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Sunday, June 06, 2021

Simpler Attacks Occuring on Operatonal Technology

We need more and effective protection.

Cyberattacks on operational technology are on the rise  in ZDnet

Common techniques are setting a low bar for attacks on control processes. Sometimes, attackers have no idea what the system is used for.

By Charlie Osborne for Zero Day | May 25, 2021 -- 14:00 GMT (07:00 PDT) Attacks on control processes, such as systems in industrial settings, are on the rise with common and unsophisticated methods being employed to compromise them. 

On Tuesday, FireEye's Mandiant cyberforensics team released a report exploring attack rates on control processes, particularly those supported by operational technology (OT). 

While control process attacks may have once been viewed as complex due to access requirements, the need for malware designed to compromise proprietary industrial technologies, or the task itself of disrupting a control process to create a predictable effect, vulnerable, internet-facing OT endpoints are now offering a wider attack surface.  ... " 

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