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Saturday, June 19, 2021

AI Protecting Privacy

 AI as a contra method for privacy loss.

AI Technology Protects Privacy

Technical University of Munich (Germany)

May 24, 2021

Technology developed by researchers at Germany's Technical University of Munich (TUM) ensures that the training of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms does not infringe on patients' personal data. The team, collaborating with researchers at the U.K.'s Imperial College London and the OpenMined private AI technology nonprofit, integrated AI-based diagnostic processes for radiological image data that preserve privacy. TUM's Alexander Ziller said the models were trained in various hospitals on local data, so "data owners did not have to share their data and retained complete control." The researchers also used data aggregation to block the identification of institutions where the algorithm was trained, while a third technique was utilized to guarantee differential privacy. TUM's Rickmer Braren said, "It is often claimed that data protection and the utilization of data must always be in conflict. But we are now proving that this does not have to be true."  .... ' 

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