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Friday, April 08, 2022

Kirigami and AI For Materials Design

Most interesting, had seen this reported on before, worked with Argonne in the big enterprise :

Ancient art of kirigami meets AI for better materials design  in TechXplore

by John Spizzirri, Argonne National Laboratory

Kirigami is the Japanese art of paper cutting. Likely derived from the Chinese art of jiǎnzhǐ, it emerged around the 7th century in Japan, where it was used to decorate temples. Still in practice today, the kirigami artist uses one piece of paper to cut decorative designs, like birds and fish or the more intricate and popular snowflake.

But, this ancient art, which relies on exacting cuts to determine or replicate patterns, is finding more modern and practical applications in electronics. Specifically, in the manufacture of 2D stretchable materials that can play host to wearable electronics, like electronic skins for health monitoring.

The process combines the art of kirigami with an artificial intelligence technique called autonomous reinforcement learning. And to better synchronize the old with the new, researchers from the University of Southern California use the computing power available to them at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory.

Reinforcement learning relates to learning actions that impart a reward or specific outcome. For example, through a combination of observation, repetition and innate ability, a baby giraffe learns to stand, walk and even run on the day it is born. This helps it find food and avoid danger very quickly.

"This is complex planning, it's learning," says Pankaj Rajak, a lead member of this project and a former postdoc at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), a DOE Office of Science user facility. "The question is, can we use a similar behavior in materials design, like in this kirigami, where your objective is to create a more structured material that is highly stretchable, one cut at a time. It's a smart strategy for figuring out where the cuts should go."

The researchers set out to create a 2D molybdenum disulfide structure embedded with electronics, like a semiconductor device, that can stretch but remain stable.

Experimental scientists found that a deliberate series of exacting cuts would allow the atomically thin material to stretch considerably, upwards of 40%. But, there were a lot of possible combinations of cuts. So, what information did the AI program need to know to get the right combinations?

To provide the program with some starting data—like the environmental observations of a giraffe—Rajak conducted 98,500 simulations that consisted of a range of one to six cuts with different lengths that determined stretchability.   ....'

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