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Friday, April 15, 2022

Atrocity Detection in the Ukraine

How accurately? Always suspicious of social media accounts. 

Researchers Create System to Quickly Identify Ukraine Atrocities Using Social Media

University of Manchester (U.K.), Joe Stafford, April 11, 2022

A system developed by British and American scientists rapidly identifies atrocities occurring in Ukraine based on social media accounts. The U.K.'s Ukrainian-focused MOBILISE project partnered with the University of Maryland, Duke University, and the University of North Carolina to document and trace displacements, human rights abuses, humanitarian needs, and civil resistance in real time through the Data for Ukraine project, which analyzes Twitter data via machine learning algorithms. The system can flag developments several hours ahead of media outlets by demonstrating spikes of credible tweets about certain monitored topics, then mapping where these events transpired. Olga Onuch at the U.K.'s University of Manchester identified which accounts to track and generated over 600 keywords to check.

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