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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Future Changing Childhood Survey

 Thought this was interesting, as we grow older.  How do the young think about technology? Other contexts of our lives?   How should e adapt a future web.  Or just let it evolve?   Future for marketing? Intro here, Click through for many samples of the survey

How Do Young People See the World Compared to the  Older Generations?  by our friend Irving Vladowsky-Berger

“There is an emerging narrative about a growing intergenerational divide worldwide,” said a recent international survey  conducted by The Changing Childhood Project.   “In the media and in popular culture, the young are often portrayed as impatient, militant, outspoken, and even entitled, in contrast to more sober temperaments among older people. The concept of intergenerational tension is not new. What may be new, however, is the speed with which our world is changing – and with it, childhood.”

The Changing Childhood Project is a collaboration between UNICEF, - the UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children around the world, - and Gallup, - the analytics company best known for its international opinion polls. Created to explore these intergenerational shifts, the project seeks to answer a few key questions: what is it like growing up today?; how do young people see the world differently?; and, is there an intergenerational gap?

To explore these and other questions, the project conducted phone interviews in the first half of 2021 with over 22,000 individuals in 21 countries representing diverse regional and income levels:   ..... ' 

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