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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

IOT and Personalization

Makes good sense to consider these together, but IOT has other issues, like security.

IoT and Personalization: A Marriage Made in Heaven

By Syed Hassan / 02 Sep 2019 / Customer Service / IOT in ReadWrite

Who doesn’t want insane traffic and qualified leads for their business? If you want a sure-shot tip to engage customers on your website, here it is: Understand the customer’s journey. Everything kicks off in the right direction if you understand the intention of the customer. The customer of today is intelligent regarding what to buy and what to expect from the brand. You have IoT and personalization, which together are a marriage made in heaven.

If a customer purchases your product, the transaction is just one part of the grand equation. To retain the customer and entice them to buy again, you must stimulate the customer on every touchpoint. The small interactions that customer does with your brand can occur on many levels:

Attractive landing pages
Exceptional Customer Service
Inbound marketing and SEO optimized pages
Integrating social media with other marketing channels
There is so much data to consider if you are willing to optimize the journey of your customer.
This is the good, the bad, and the ugly. Good because there is a plethora of data available at your disposal, but just the data can be overwhelming.

Instead of relying on one-off data points on your customer journey, focus on creating a holistic experience for your customers. Advanced IoT technology can help in increasing sales. There are, of course, pros and cons of the IoT world. However, as a real human being, I would highlight some points that can help in improving the lives of customers.

IoT and personalization: made for each other.

IoT and personalization are like two sides of the same coin. One deal with data and second enables the brand to engage customers. When we talk about IoT, we are talking about the incredible opportunities that open up ways to interact with the customer purposefully. A fantastic change which we haven’t realized before. These small and straightforward interactions with machines are changing the perception of customers regarding brands. .... " 

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