Once again, featuring
Sands Research portable Neuroactivity capture in the aisle:
" ... The use of neuroscience in POPAI's 2012 Shopper Engagement Study made it possible to evaluate shoppers' behavior, visual fixations and emotional engagement almost as if in slow motion, revealing not only a time-locked breakdown of their decision-making processes but also new insights about the impact of displays. Data analysis is ongoing, but so far the findings suggest that endcap and floorstand displays affect shoppers differently than previously thought. By outfitting shoppers in unobtrusive gear consisting of an eye-tracking device, cameras and electroencephalography (EEG) equipment, "we're creating neuro movies, in a sense, and those videos show us that displays play a major role in stimulating product category consideration," says consultant and lead researcher Lily Lev-Glick, principal at New York-based ShopperSense. The neuroscience was used along with traditional methodologies. ..... " Full Article.
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