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Friday, December 09, 2022

ML Facilitates 'Turbulence Tracking' in Fusion Reactors

Another example.  Struck by the number of ways that machine learning can be used.  Not really surprising since it is finding directed patterns that can be leveraged in useful context.    From advertising to fusion power.

ML Facilitates 'Turbulence Tracking' in Fusion Reactors  

MIT News  By Adam Zewe, November 2, 2022

A multi-institutional team of scientists used computer vision models to track turbulent filaments or "blobs" appearing on the fringe of fuel used in nuclear fusion reactors. The researchers trained four blob-tracking computer vision models on a synthetic video dataset of plasma turbulence, which were able to identify such blobs in actual video clips with more than 80% accuracy in some instances, as well as estimating the blobs' sizes and motion. Said the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Theodore Golfinopoulos. "Now, we have a microscope and the computational power to analyze one event at a time. If we take a step back, what this reveals is the power available from these machine learning techniques, and ways to use these computational resources to make progress."

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