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Friday, December 09, 2022

TSMC to Produce 4nm Chips at Arizona Fab in 2024

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TSMC to Produce 4nm Chips at Arizona Fab in 2024    By Josh Norem on December 2, 2022 in ExtremeTech

It was previously reported that Apple has been urging TSMC to begin producing some of its more advanced chips in America. This would allow Cupertino to claim it’s using American-made silicon in its devices, a first for Apple. A new report confirms this will indeed be happening, but TSMC won’t be making 3nm chips at first, contrary to earlier reports. Instead, it will be focusing on its N4 process, which should be online in 2024. By then, that will be far from bleeding-edge technology, but the company will eventually produce 3nm chips in Arizona as well.

News of TSMC’s plans comes from notable Apple reporter Mark Gurman and company of Bloomberg. Previously TSMC was expected to start production of 5nm chips in Arizona, but it has apparently jettisoned that notion in favor of N4 production, which is a more advanced version of its process. It still falls under the 5nm family of products but offers improved efficiency and performance. The company is investing $12 billion into the fab in order to get production started by 2024. It will reportedly announce its plans next week during a presser with President Joe Biden and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. Apple CEO Tim Cook will be at the event as well.... ' 

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