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Monday, February 04, 2019

AI and Industrial IoT

Nice overview example, similar things happening at GE.

AI Transforms Industrial IoT    Posted by Ronald van Loon  from DSC

If you’ve been studying artificial intelligence and its growth, you’ll know that the industry is well past its nascent stage now. There is significant maturity in its growth, and companies from diverse backgrounds are realizing the impact of incorporating data and AI into their ecosystems.

In a bid to understand the dynamics of this data-centered growth, I teamed up with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to do an analysis of their international survey on the present and the future of AI within the industrial sector. Through the survey HPE wanted to find answers to some of the most asked questions related to the field of AI:

What percentages of companies are working on AI?

How can AI transform industrial IoT for the better?

Will it prove to be a job killer for us humans?

The survey answers these and many other questions that shroud the mind of everyone who is currently a doubter..... "

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