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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Rearchers Can Now Achieve 'Quantum Advantage'

Intriguing claim.  Based on my knowledge of quantum physics this may lead to some very counter intuitive results.   Especially for 'combinatorial', or many-many answered problems.  Probably first in crypto.  Get ready. 

Researchers Can Now Achieve 'Quantum Advantage'

University of Copenhagen, December 9, 2020

Researchers at Denmark's University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and Germany's University of Bochum have created a nanochip that could be used to build a quantum simulator. The nanochip can generate sufficient photons encoded with quantum data to scale up the technology, which could realize "quantum advantage" and allow a quantum device to solve a given computational task faster than the most powerful supercomputer. UCPH's Ravitej Uppu said the nanochip constitutes "the fundamental building block" of quantum advantage. UCPH’s Peter Lodahl said, "We now possess the tool that makes it possible to build a quantum simulator that can outperform a classical computer. This is a major breakthrough and the first step into uncharted territory in the world of quantum physics.”  

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