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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

IBM on AI Explainability

Think of how humans interact in a conversation.   We require an appropriate in-context level of explainability to support and trust what we hear.   We would expert an intelligent agent to answer questions like:  Tell me more about that.  Or how did it get to that conclusion?    What data was used?   How will the results of the AI outputs be used?   What are the risks involved using the results? ....

IBM’s Arin Bhowmick explains why AI trust is hard to achieve in the enterprise  By Michael Vizard  @mvizard,   in Venturebeat  February 16, 2021  

While appreciation of the potential impact AI can have on business processes has been building for some time, progress has not nearly been as quick as many initial forecasts led many organizations to expect.

Arin Bhowmick, chief design officer for IBM, explained to VentureBeat what needs to be done to achieve the level of AI explainability that will be required to take AI to the next level in the enterprise. ... ' 

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