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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Autonomous Vehicles as Criminal Drug Mules

I recall this coming up in innovation meetings a number of years ago.  And of course the vehicles involved will be automatically tracked and usage charged to someone-thing that can be recorded.  But expect that to be cleansed as needed.  Be wary.  Very good and detailed discussion below.   Expect any and all approaches to emerge: 

AI Autonomous Cars As Drug Mules For Narco Dealers Is A Bad Prescription

Lance Eliot Writes:

" .... I was asked by some readers whether we might ultimately have Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) that will be employed for criminal trafficking acts, doing so by removing the human element involved in driving or otherwise guiding a craft that contains an illicit drug shipment.

Sadly, yes, this can be expected and to some degree is already underway, including the nefarious use of autonomous submersibles, autonomous water surface craft such as sailboats and motorized ships, autonomous drones that fly in the air, and of course the use of ground-based autonomous transportation such as self-driving cars.

Not only will a particular mode of AV be used, such as in the air, in the water, or on the ground, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be devious efforts combining those avenues, a trifecta as it were.   ... " 

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