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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Microsoft Releases Speech Services

Useful capability for speech production from Azure/AI

Microsoft opens limited access to its neural text-to-speech AI in Engadget

AT&T and Warner Bros. used the tech to create an interactive version of Bugs Bunny.

Microsoft is opening up limited access to a text-to-speech AI called Custom Neural Voice, which allows developers to create custom synthetic voices. The tech is part of an Azure AI service called Speech. Companies can use the tech for things like voice-powered smart assistants and devices, chatbots, online learning and reading audiobooks or news. They’ll have to apply for access and gain approval from Microsoft before they can harness Custom Neural Voice. ... 

Convert audio to text, perform speech translation and text-to-speech with the unified Speech services

Kris Holt, K. Holt|02.03.21  @krisholt in Engadget

Speech Services. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/speech-services/

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