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Thursday, February 04, 2021

IBM and Quantum Computing

 IBM seeing the future of quantum computing.

IBM unveils ambitious plan for quantum computing software  By Jeremy Kahn in Fortune

The company wants to make it easier for programmers to use the new technology without having to understand the physics behind it.

IBM has unveiled an ambitious plan to speed widespread adoption of quantum computing by introducing simpler programming tools within the next five years.

The new software development plan, announced Thursday, is a complement to a quantum computing hardware “road map” the company announced in September.

IBM is among a number of companies racing to develop quantum computers, machines that harness the bizarre properties of quantum physics to perform calculations. This enables them to, at least in theory, perform calculations that even today’s largest conventional supercomputers can’t solve in a reasonable time period, as well as to significantly lessen the amount of time it takes to perform other hard computing tasks.   .... " 

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