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Thursday, January 05, 2017

Retail Brands Leveraging Foundational AI

Good overview, nothing very unexpected.  Starbucks, IBM, Amazon, Lowes and Cosabella are highlighted.  Following these for years.  More about what is being done, as opposed to what the possibilities are.   I like the statement that AI technologies are becoming foundational.   True, but the timing remains unclear.   In Adweek:

5 Bleeding-Edge Brands That Are Infusing Retail With Artificial Intelligence Starbucks, -  Lowe's and others roll out robots    By Lauren Johnson

The next time you're in a Lowe's hardware store don't be surprised if a robot zooms up to ask if anyone needs help. And when you order your morning joe, a programmed bot may be whipping up that venti skim macchiato at Starbucks.

Watch out, folks, the age of artificial-intelligence-powered retail is upon us, promising an unprecedented amount of data and information that can help merchants grow their businesses. Once the stuff of sci-fi novels, AI is poised to juice up everything from customer service to merchandising—except jobs for humans.

"AI is going to be like electricity or the internet—it's going to be foundational technology [for] which most things are built," says Kyle Nel, executive director of Lowe's Innovation Labs. "It becomes so interwoven into robotics and everything. It takes CRM, it takes all of this other stuff that we've been doing for so long and it makes it better than the sum of the parts."  ... " 

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