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Thursday, February 09, 2023

AI Success Issues

Many underlying issues to consider as intelligence applications are built.

AI success is being limited by poor digital transformation

Balakrishna DR,  Infosys,   Podcast , January 31, 2023 11:07 AM

Digital transformation concept. Binary code. AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Digital transformation has multiple dimensions and complexities, which are sometimes lost on organizations undertaking it. The recipe for success lies in rethinking the processes and the organizational structure to generate maximum value from the technology framework — something many enterprises continue to struggle with.

A 2020 study by Boston Consulting Group found that about 70% of digital transformation projects fall short of their goals even when the priorities are clearly mapped and leadership is aligned.  Compounding the challenge is the need to bring AI into the organization that is transforming. AI is everywhere today and promises great returns from customer experience and organizational efficiency. Not investing in AI is a non-starter now when a digital transformation effort is begun, but the investment can feel like an insurmountable task. Why is this? 

Gaps in the digital transformation roadmap can hinder success of AI initiatives

The factors that lead to failed digital transformation initiatives also act as roadblocks to the success of AI initiatives. These include:

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Identifying the right problems to solve: Without proper project design and outside intervention, identifying the right problem and the right approach to solve it is unbelievably difficult. This is where a poorly executed digital strategy or a faulty transformation roadmap will act as a bottleneck for AI success: The underlying data strategy was not aligned to the organization’s unique needs in the first place.

Lack of an overarching data strategy: Companies must have a clear idea of what kind of data they need for digital transformation. Otherwise, they risk investing in improper tech stacks. A proper data infrastructure and strategy form the foundation upon which emerging technologies are built, and formulation of an AI strategy is created on top of it. ... '

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