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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Make Siri Elite with OpenAI and ChatGPT

Brought to my attention, installing.  A means to use OpenAI directly from Siri, creating a 'Siri Elite' as a new assistant tool accessible with a Siri shortcut.    - FAD 

Make a  'Siri Elite' with OpenAI and ChatGPT

From Zollotech.com

Full instruction on Youtube:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gePhjvKdUro

118,517 views  Feb 9, 2023  #chatgpt #openai #Siri

Siri has been around a long time, but could be a lot better.  In this video I show you how to use Open AI GPT Chat directly on your device as your new assistant.  Chat GPT and OpenAI have become an incredible tool and even Bing is integrating it into search now.  I show you step-by-step how to integrate chatgpt into a Shortcut so Siri becomes Siri Elite.  #Siri #chatgpt #Apple #openai

OpenAI API - https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys

Siri Shortcut - https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/08b0...


00:00 - Everything New

00:32 - How To use Siri Elite and OpenAI

02:55 - Siri vs Open AI

04:59 - Do this also

05:33 - Conclusion  ... ' 

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