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Sunday, December 11, 2022

San Francisco Now Says No to Armed Robots

Mentioned the earlier decision here a week ago, and predicted it would NOT last in SF's policing environment.  It has now quickly been reversed.  

San Francisco decides killer police robots aren’t such a great idea

Explosive robots were approved for the SFPD arsenal, then the protests started.

By Ron Amadeo - 12/7/2022, 1:26 PM  in ArsTechnica

The robot police dystopia will have to wait. Last week the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to authorize the San Francisco Police Department to add lethal robots to its arsenal. The plan wasn't yet "robots with guns" (though some police bomb disposal robots fire shotgun shells already, and some are also used by the military as gun platforms) but to arm the bomb disposal robots with bombs, allowing them to drive up to suspects and detonate. Once the public got wind of this, the protests started, and after an 8–3 vote authorizing the robots last week, now the SF Board of Supervisors has unanimously voted to (at least temporarily) ban lethal robots.  ... ' 

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