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Monday, August 09, 2021

Protect Against BlackMatter Ransomware Before It’s Offered

 Somewhat unclear the breadth of what is being offered, but interesting. 

Protect Against BlackMatter Ransomware Before It’s Offered

Insikt Group

Editor’s Note: The following post is an excerpt of a full report. To read the entire analysis, click here to download the report as a PDF. 

Insikt Group reverse-engineered the Linux and Windows variants of BlackMatter ransomware and provided a high-level overview of the functionality in addition to IOCs, utilities, and detections. The intended audience of this research is threat intelligence professionals and those interested in a technical overview of the new ransomware variant.

Executive Summary

Insikt Group analyzed Windows and Linux variants of BlackMatter ransomware, a new ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) affiliate program founded in July 2021. During our technical analysis, we found that both variants accomplish similar goals of encrypting a victim’s files and appear to have been developed by a relatively sophisticated group. The Windows version of the ransomware employs several obfuscation and anti-reverse engineering techniques, suggesting that it was created by an experienced ransomware developer. BlackMatter’s Linux variant is another example of an emerging trend of malware targeting Linux-based systems, including ESXi and network-attached storage (NAS) devices. Recorded Future has provided reverse-engineering utilities, a YARA rule, and IOCs that organizations can use to hunt or detect the ransomware.

Editor’s Note: This post was an excerpt of a full report. To read the entire analysis, click here to download the report as a PDF.  https://go.recordedfuture.com/hubfs/reports/MTP-2021-0804.pdf

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