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Monday, August 09, 2021

Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative

Given the destructive  results from ransomware and cyberattacks, makes much sense to combine efforts both governmental and private company here.  See the links to it below to follow efforts. Like the idea of coordinating efforts and measuring them.

U.S. Taps Tech Giants to Help Fight Ransomware, Cyberattacks  By CNet, August 5, 2021

The US government is turning to tech giants including Amazon, Microsoft and Google to help bolster cybersecurity, after a string of high-profile attacks involving critical infrastructure. 

The initiative, called the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, was unveiled Thursday by Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The effort, reported earlier by The Wall Street Journal, will initially focus on combating ransomware and developing a framework to deal with cyberattacks that affect providers of cloud services. It also aims to improve information sharing between the government and the private sector, with the goal of reducing the risk of attacks and ensuring a coordinated response. 

The Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative will initially focus on combating ransomware and developing a framework to deal with cyberattacks that affect providers of cloud services.... 

From CNet   View Full Article

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