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Saturday, August 07, 2021

Reaching Quantum Speed Limits

Speed limits, but errors accounted for as well? JQI new to me.

Information Transfer Protocol Reaches Quantum Speed Limit  By Joint Quantum Institute

Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) scientists have developed a quantum information transfer protocol that reaches theoretical speed limits for some quantum operations.

The protocol is engineered for quantum devices in which interactions between quantum bits (qubits) weaken as they recede from each other, covering a range of interactions that do not weaken too quickly.

The protocol can deliver many of quantum computer's promised benefits by transferring data within an unknown quantum state to a distant qubit.

Data stored on one qubit is shared with its neighbors via quantum entanglement, and the qubits cooperate to spread it to other sets of qubits, accelerating the transfer as more sets are involved.

JQI's Minh Tran said, "Moving information fast also means that you can process information faster."

From Joint Quantum Institute  

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