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Saturday, August 07, 2021

Business as Imagination Machine

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Turn Your Business Into 'The Imagination Machine'

By Myles Suer | May 20, 2021  in CMSWire

How can businesses harness the collective imagination of their workforce at a time when innovation is at a premium? That is the central question of Martin Reeves' and Jack Fuller's forthcoming book, "The Imagination Machine." Are there methods to increase both the predictability and the frequency of bursts of imagination? Businesses tasked with innovating — and that means all businesses — struggle with questions like these on a daily basis. The strategic diagnostics Reeves and Fuller offer throughout the book make this a valuable read for every legacy organization looking to retain their market relevance.

Why Innovation Matters Now More Than Ever

Reeves and Fuller claim innovation matters beyond the walls of the corporation. They argue that winning corporations can change the world by combining their organizational abilities with the unique human capacity to imagine. “Imagination is needed now more than ever. Since competitive advantage is increasingly short-lived, driven by rapid evolution of the technological and business environment …. Since the 1960’s, the average number of Fortune 500 companies exiting the Fortune 500 has increased by 36% annually.”  ... 

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