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Sunday, August 08, 2021

Future of AI is Generative

Looks to be a good talk, about to experience.


On May 26, 2021, Steve Omohundro gave a lecture on “The Future of AI is Generative not Discriminative” to The Hive’s excellent “Think Tank” group:

Here’s the video of the talk:  https://youtu.be/4I3FVZ1J6nY  

The Future of AI is Generative not Discriminative 5/26/2021 from Steve Omohundro

and the abstract:

The deep learning AI revolution has been sweeping the world for a decade now. Deep neural nets are routinely used for tasks like translation, fraud detection, and image classification. PwC estimates that they will create $15.7 trillion/year of value by 2030. But most current networks are “discriminative” in that they directly map inputs to predictions. This type of model requires lots of training examples, doesn’t generalize well outside of its training set, creates inscrutable representations, is subject to adversarial examples, and makes knowledge transfer difficult. People, in contrast, can learn from just a few examples, generalize far beyond their experience, and can easily transfer and reuse knowledge. In recent years, new kinds of “generative” AI models have begun to exhibit these desirable human characteristics. They represent the causal generative processes by which the data is created and can be compositional, compact, and directly interpretable. Generative AI systems that assist people can model their needs and desires and interact with empathy. Their adaptability to changing circumstances will likely be required by rapidly changing AI-driven business and social systems. Generative AI will be the engine of future AI innovation.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Steve Omohundro

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