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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Understanding Deep Learning

Quite well put,  thoughtful about neural nets.   Much more at the link. 

Understanding Deep Learning (Still) Requires Rethinking Generalization

By Chiyuan Zhang, Samy Bengio, Moritz Hardt, Benjamin Recht, Oriol Vinyals

Communications of the ACM, March 2021, Vol. 64 No. 3, Pages 107-115   10.1145/3446776

Despite their massive size, successful deep artificial neural networks can exhibit a remarkably small gap between training and test performance. Conventional wisdom attributes small generalization error either to properties of the model family or to the regularization techniques used during training.

Through extensive systematic experiments, we show how these traditional approaches fail to explain why large neural networks generalize well in practice. Specifically, our experiments establish that state-of-the-art convolutional networks for image classification trained with stochastic gradient methods easily fit a random labeling of the training data. This phenomenon is qualitatively unaffected by explicit regularization and occurs even if we replace the true images by completely unstructured random noise. We corroborate these experimental findings with a theoretical construction showing that simple depth two neural networks already have perfect finite sample expressivity as soon as the number of parameters exceeds the number of data points as it usually does in practice.  

We interpret our experimental findings by comparison with traditional models.

We supplement this republication with a new section at the end summarizing recent progresses in the field since the original version of this paper.

1. Introduction

For centuries, scientists, policy makers, actuaries, and salesmen alike have exploited the empirical fact that unknown outcomes, be they future or unobserved, often trace regularities found in past observations. We call this idea generalization: finding rules consistent with available data that apply to instances we have yet to encounter.

Supervised machine learning builds on statistical tradition in how it formalizes the idea of generalization. We assume observations come from a fixed data generating process, such as samples drawn from a fixed distribution. In a first optimization step, called training, we fit a model to a set of data. In a second step, called testing, we judge the model by how well it performs on newly generated data from the very same process.

This notion of generalization as test-time performance can seem mundane. After all, it simply requires the model to achieve consistent success on the same data generating process as was encountered during training. Yet the seemingly simple question of what theory underwrites the generalization ability of a model has occupied the machine learning research community for decades.

There are a variety of theories proposed to explain generalization.

Uniform convergence, margin theory, and algorithmic stability are but a few of the important conceptual tools to reason about generalization. Central to much theory are different notions of model complexity. Corresponding generalization bounds quantify how much data is needed as a function of a particular complexity measure. Despite much significant theoretical work, the prescriptive and descriptive value of these theories remains debated.

This work takes a step back. We do not offer any new theory of generalization. Rather, we offer a few simple experiments to interrogate the empirical import of different purported theories of generalization. With these experiments at hand, we broadly investigate what practices do and do not promote generalization, what does and does not measure generalization?   .... " 

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