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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Database of World Management Practices

This came to my attention.   Could have been useful, depending on how precise the practices were detailed, in past modeling efforts.   This effort under way for 18 years! Now if we could have working process models of each organization type to work from.   Likely much harder.  But what if we could build up from basic models?  Forecast of future practices mentioned also of interest. Note offering measurement as well.  Has to be good data here. 

The World Management Survey at 18: Lessons and the Way Forward   by Daniela Scur, Raffaella Sadun, John Van Reenen, Renata Lemos, and Nicholas Bloom  in HBSWK

With a dataset of 13,000 firms and 4,000 schools and hospitals spanning more than 35 countries, the World Management Survey provides a systematic measure of management practices used in organizations. This paper gives an overview of lessons learned and a management policy toolkit for policymakers.

Author Abstract

Understanding how differences in management “best practices” affect organizational outcomes has been a focus of both theoretical and empirical work in the fields of management, sociology, economics and public policy. The World Management Survey (WMS) project was born almost two decades ago with the main goal of developing a new systematic measure of management practices being used in organizations. The WMS has contributed to a body of knowledge around how managerial structures, not just managerial talent, relates to organizational performance. Over 18 years of research, a set of consistent patterns have emerged and spurred new questions. We will present a brief overview of what we have learned in terms of measuring and understanding management practices and condense the implications of these findings for policy. We end with an outline of what we see as the path forward for both research and policy implications of this research program. ... '

  Paper: https://www.nber.org/papers/w28524

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