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Friday, February 05, 2021

Sensing the Household

Talk about potential  invasions of privacy ....  note the use of multiple sensors and analyses

Household Radar Can See Through Walls and Knows How You’re Feeling

Modern wireless tech isn’t just for communications. It can also sense a person’s breathing and heart rate, even gauge emotions   By Fadel Adib in IEEE Spectrum

When I was a boy, I secretly hoped I would discover latent within me some amazing superpower—say, X-ray vision or the ability to read people’s minds. Lots of kids have such dreams. But even my fertile young brain couldn’t imagine that one day I would help transform such superpowers into reality. Nor could I conceive of the possibility that I would demonstrate these abilities to the president of the United States. And yet two decades later, that’s exactly what happened.

There was, of course, no magic or science fiction involved, just new algorithms and clever engineering, using wireless technology that senses the reflections of radio waves emanating from a nearby transmitter. The approach my MIT colleagues and I are pursuing relies on inexpensive equipment that is easy to install—no more difficult than setting up a Wi-Fi router. ... '

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