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Friday, February 05, 2021

Perfect Product Launch

 Simplified, but useful look at product at product launch

Three Fundamentals to a Strong Product Launch 

February 1, 2021, Scott McPhaden, SCB Contributor and Drew Andrews, SCB Contributor

Bringing the perfect product to market in a timely fashion isn’t easy: Gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all, methodical approach. Today, companies want product development that’s fast, flexible and predictable — and ever-growing numbers of competitors around the world are ready to snap up any customers who aren’t completely satisfied. 

Businesses can’t afford to waste time or resources on unprofitable ideas, and must eliminate barriers that lead to unpredictable results. A flexible yet consistent process to develop new products can help. Ask yourself: Are you building what the market wants and will buy? Does your team have too much or too little creative flexibility? Are you able to measure your organization’s performance?   ... " 

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