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Thursday, February 04, 2021

Deep Learning Searches for Covid-19 Treatments

Treatments using deep learning, based on human gene interactions with drugs.

Computer Model Makes Strides in Search for Covid-19 Treatments

Ohio State News, Emily Caldwell, February 1, 2021

A deep learning computer model developed by Ohio State University (OSU) computer scientists to predict human genes' interaction with drugs has identified at least 10 compounds as potential Covid-19 treatments. The DeepCE model taps the L1000 repository of human cell-line data concerning how gene expression changes in response to medications, and the DrugBank dataset on chemical structures and other details of roughly 11,000 approved and investigational drugs. The investigators applied DeepCE's gene expression prediction matrix to the genetic data in early Covid-19 papers and additional government information. Said OSU's Ping Zhang, "We can predict gene expression values for new chemicals not from one cell to one cell, but automatically predict the role of a drug on different cell lines and different genes."

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