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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tech Boosts Security in Japan

Again expect such directions world wide. 

 AI, Drones, 4K Cameras: New Tech Boosts Security Systems in Japan

The Japan Times, December 20, 2020

Shortages of security personnel in Japan have prompted adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), drones, and 4K video cameras. One example is a virtual "AI guard" from security firm Secom, tested at Tokyo's Ogikubo Hospital in October; an animated character displayed on a panel at the hospital’s entrance screens visitors' temperatures and admits only those who are fever-free. Meanwhile, Sohgo Security Services (Alsok) has been installing 4K cameras at locations like the Tokyo Skytree tower to test their ability to monitor the surrounding environment. Moreover, a prison in Yamaguchi Prefecture is using Secom's camera-equipped drones on patrols, flying designated routes via global-positioning systems. Said an Alsok official, "4K, AI, and 5G will become the three sacred treasures of security from now on."

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