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Monday, January 11, 2021

Connecting Cows and More to the Web

 Powerful direction for much more connections yet.   Implications for the use of data and what is forecast. 

Tiny Satellites Will Connect Cows, Cars, Shipping Containers to the Internet

The Wall Street Journal, Christopher Mims, January 9, 2021

Scientists are tapping tiny satellites developed by startups for research, using a new form of universal, all-the-time connectivity for terrestrial people, animals, and assets. These "cubesat" networks are the product of smaller, less costly, more capable satellite technology; plummeting launch costs thanks to companies like SpaceX; active national space programs; new launch technologies like three-dimensionally-printed engines, and low-power wireless communication standards. The Arribada Initiative co-develops satellite tracking and connectivity systems for researchers, which link to ground stations using Long Range Wide Area Networks. Similar projects include Dutch startup Smart Parks' network for connecting rhinos and elephants for wildlife refuge monitoring. These organizations are using radio spectrum to send and receive smaller amounts of data using less power. ... '

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