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Sunday, August 30, 2020

More Seeing Around the Corner

More on the topic.  Mentioned a number of times here, a seemingly impossible idea. But very useful for driving applications to anticipate and avoid problems. Thought I have no application for this idea, the  metaphor of getting data from sensors that can see beyond normal barriers is interesting to consider.  Sensing.

Engineering Researchers Develop Camera System to See Around Corners
UCLA Samueli Newsroom
July 14, 2020

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan have developed a camera that can see around corners using the same phenomenon one observes when looking through polarized sunglasses. The researchers set in front of the camera lens a polarizer that only allows certain oscillation states to reach the lens. They also developed a novel algorithm that rearranges the polarization of light off a wall to show objects hidden around a corner. Said UCLA's Achuta Kadambi, "If the technology can be successfully applied to cameras enabling them to see around corners, it could help autonomous cars avoid accidents at blind spots, or allow biomedical engineers to create endoscopes that can help doctors see around organs."  ... ' 

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