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Monday, June 08, 2020

Smart Meters not Influencing Electric Usage

Have always been interested in the influence of measurements, and the presentation of those measurements to influence behavior.   Many of our smart home experiments have tried to include that aspect of delivery.   Our home is fitted with a 'smart meter'.  Yet in this case Smart Meters are not doing the job:

Smart meters have little impact on people's energy usage habits, research finds  by Keele University in TechExplore

When the Smart Meter Rollout Programme launched a decade ago, it was touted as a way of helping consumers cut down on their energy usage, but new research has found that environmental concerns have little impact on reducing energy consumption.

Smart meters were introduced to allow customers to manage their energy use and it was hoped they would save money on bills and lessen their environmental impact by reducing energy demand, as well as changing their attitudes towards their energy use.

But new research by Keele University using focus groups has found that 10 years after the programme was rolled out, people's awareness around strategies for improving our energy efficiency is still only limited.

The findings also showed that environmental concerns are not a key driver in promoting energy reduction behaviours, not because participants don't care about the environment but because they felt a reduction in their energy consumption would have very little impact on the environment.  ... "

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