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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Golden: An Intelligent Knowledge Base

Brought to my attention:  Golden, quite a considerable breadth of claims.

The intelligent knowledge base
Explore the world's first self-constructing knowledge database built by artificial and human intelligence.

Authoritative knowledge at your fingertips
Access a growing body of knowledge. Follow topics you're interested in. Explore new topics to create a personalized knowledge feed.

Query across the Golden Knowledge Base
The Golden Research Engine is a comprehensive knowledge tool to research and track information on specific topics including companies, investment funds, cryptocurrencies, crypto projects, people and more.

Request deep information on a topic
Click a button to trigger fast turnaround of full information surrounding a topic of interest. Trigger research requests on information around a query and our AI-enabled helpers will max out the data request.

Frictionless tools to compile knowledge
Golden is building an interface to compile and comprehend knowledge. Frictionless editing, enhanced fact validation systems, transparent version histories and topic tracking.

A new standard for evidence
Golden will compile deeper evidence to validate claims and verify knowledge. High-resolution citations and bibliometrics will allow users to determine the provenance of information and evaluate source credibility.

Human knowledge meets AI
Golden draws on the strengths of both humans and machines. Statistical models and heuristic algorithms will handle repetitive work and automate the process of gathering knowledge.  ... " 

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