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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Alibaba Blockchain Domain Names

Note the similarity to the Cosmos Network.   A useful direction.

Alibaba Claims Patented Cross-Chain System Is Better Than Cosmos
Jun 1, 2020 at 15:00 UTC
Alibaba says its “unified domain name scheme” would simplify and improve communication between blockchains.

In a patent granted by the U.S. Patent Office last Tuesday, the e-commerce giant said its domain name system could enable cross-chain communications that are more simple and seamless than on existing interoperability solutions, specifically naming blockchain interoperability project Cosmos.

Alibaba says that assigning universally recognizable domain names to blockchains, or parts of a blockchain, could enable better identification and interaction with others in a broader network, in much the same way that entities recognize and communicate with one another using domain names, such as “.com” or “.org    .... "

See also:   https://cosmos.network/

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