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Sunday, May 10, 2020

ACM on Contact Tracing Software

Good here to see what aspects of the applications are being emphasized.  Includes link to entire detailed document.

ACM Europe TPC Statement on Principles, Practices for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications
May 5, 2020

The Europe Technology Policy Committee of the ACM (Europe TPC) has issued a statement detailing essential principles and practices for policymakers when making decisions about deploying COVID-19 contact tracing systems. No known tracing applications can fully preserve individual privacy and anonymity, while multiple technical issues hinder the ability to prove or assume the apps' accuracy. Moreover, high technical quality and functionality are insufficient for ensuring their efficacy. Europe TPC's recommended principles and practices include using a technical architecture that incorporates cross-border interoperability; an opt-in mechanism for app activation and deactivation/reactivation; user consent to sharing personal information; and either non-retention, or password protection and encryption, for all sensitive personal data. Europe TPS also urged public disclosure of app and server source code, expert vetting of the code during development, and public disclosure of the technology's solicitation and procurement and any conflicts of interest among developers.  ... " 

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