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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wearable Vitamin Sensor

Another wearable sensor example. 

Wearable Sensor Tracks Vitamin C Levels in Sweat
UC San Diego News Center
By Alison Caldwell

A team of University of California, San Diego (UCSD) researchers developed a new wearable sensor that monitors vitamin C levels in perspiration, which could offer a highly personalized option for users to track daily nutritional consumption and dietary compliance. The wearable is an adhesive patch that includes a system to stimulate sweating, and an electrode sensor to rapidly detect vitamin C concentrations. The flexible electrodes contain the enzyme ascorbate oxidase, which converts vitamin C to dehydroascorbic acid; the resulting rise of oxygen triggers a current that the device measures. UCSD's Juliane Sempionatto said, "Ultimately, this sort of device would be valuable for supporting behavioral changes around diet and nutrition."  ... '

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