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Monday, March 07, 2016

Analytics Magazine: Analytics in the Cloud

The cover story of the March/April issue of Analytics magazine focuses on predictive analytics in the cloud and how every business is now a data business, whether they know it or not. You can also read about the "power company" of the Internet age, myths involved in cloud security, and the democratizing of software trends.

Lead Story

Predictive Analytics in the Cloud: It's All About the Data
Exploiting the natural synergy between the cloud and analytics in the Internet Age.
By Dave Hirko

Democratization of Analytics: New Frontier
Making data available to the people who need it and giving them the skills and tools to derive meaningful insights from it.
By Srujana H.M., Sanjay S. Sharma and Amitava Dey 

How Would Google Farm?
Lessons from self-driving cars may help win the race to feed the world via the Internet of Agriculture and analytics.
By Alex Thomasson, Gabe Santos and Atanu Basu

How to Turn Organizational Data into Corporate Strength
Understanding and analyzing the organization as a system sets the platform for value-adding analysis and company success.
By Rupert Morrison

Training Strategy in the Analytics Consulting Domain

An alternative training approach that benefits trainers and trainees equally during the teaching/mentoring process.
By Chandrakant Maheshwari

Higher Expectations Drive Transformation 
Increasing market demands and high expectations drive transformation and innovation in dynamic industry.
By Randolph Hall and Janice Partyka

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