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Friday, December 14, 2018

Sensing in Complete Darkness: One Photon Per Pixel

Appears to be a very valuable development in a number of sensing domains.

MIT engineers have found a way to use AI to reveal objects in total darkness–even transparent materials like glass and tissue.   In Fastcompany    By Jesus Diazi

Current AI-based “night mode” technology, like the software you’ll find on Google’s Pixel 3, can make nighttime photos remarkably clear by quickly capturing multiple noisy photos and using AI to combine them into a single, noiseless photo. But unlike those techniques that require a lot of light to begin with, MITs method can work in a completely sealed room. In fact, it only requires one photon per pixel.

It’s a breakthrough for imaging, and it could have implications for a broad range of industries. It could reveal invisible details in deep space photography and let doctors see living tissue inside of patients without damaging their cells. As the authors of the research paper, published this week in Physical Review Letters, explain: “When it comes to X-ray imaging, if you expose a patient to X-rays, you increase the danger they may get cancer. What we’re doing here is, you can get the same image quality, but with a lower exposure to the patient.” Coauthor and professor of mechanical engineering George Barbastathis told MIT News, “In biology, you can reduce the damage to biological specimens when you want to sample them.”  ... " 

Technical details in MIT News.

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