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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Architecture for Talking Buildings

Smart homes are still built up in fairly unstructured ways.   Mine still has pieces of it fail, and can be difficult to repair or add to if the supplier pieces are not well designed.    Several of those things have struck me recently.   Here,  what seems to be  directionally good:

The Era of Talking Buildings Has Arrived 
UNSW Newsroom
By Wilson Da Silva

The University of New South Wales, Sydney (UNSW Sydney) and WBS Technology in Australia partnered on the development of reactive and remotely operated smart building ecosystems. The resulting EMIoT wireless platform utilizes light-emitting diode exit signs to run a low-power meshed network that covers 99.9% of a building; each sign or emergency light is a network node, routing data across the building. Connecting other devices to the network facilitates remote control and monitoring. EMIoT came about from UNSW Sydney researchers' effort to integrate different communications technologies to function seamlessly and support a reliable network across myriad locations. The platform combines wireless sensors for healthcare monitoring, an Internet protocol for small devices, and an experimental network protocol for point-to-point communications; to this was added a gateway bridging the different technologies with cellular telecommunications networks, while Bluetooth provides localized smartphone control.  .... "

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