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Thursday, February 09, 2023

What is Metaverse Crime?


And from Interpol's perspective, what is Metaverse Crime?

  ... What is a metaverse crime?  in the BBC.

Dr Madan Oberoi, Interpol's executive director of technology and innovation, said there are issues with defining a metaverse crime.

"There are crimes where I don't know whether it can still be called a crime or not," he said.

"For example, there have been reported cases of sexual harassment.

"If you look at the definitions of these crimes in physical space, and you try to apply it in the metaverse, there is a difficulty.

"We don't know whether we can call them a crime or not, but those threats are definitely there, so those issues are yet to be resolved."

He said one of the big challenges facing Interpol was raising awareness of these problems.

"My typically used example is that if you have to save a drowning person, you need to know swimming," he said.

"Similarly, if law enforcement is interested to help people who have been hurt in the metaverse, they need to know about the metaverse.

"And that is one of our objectives - to make sure law enforcement personnel start using the metaverse and they become aware.

"In that sense, it is very important."  .... '

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