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Friday, August 06, 2021

Master Faces can Bypass Authentication

Looks to be a dangerous authentication bypass on a now common security method using GAN methods.

‘Master Faces’ That Can Bypass Over 40% Of Facial ID Authentication Systems mmUpdated 2 days ago on August 4, 2021By Martin Anderson

Researchers from Israel have developed a neural network capable of generating ‘master’ faces – facial images that are each capable of impersonating multiple IDs. The work suggests that it’s possible to generate such ‘master keys’ for more than 40% of the population using only 9 faces synthesized by the StyleGAN Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), via three leading face recognition systems.

The paper  is a collaboration between the Blavatnik School of Computer Science and the school of Electrical Engineering, both at Tel Aviv..... ' 

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