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Monday, August 09, 2021

Hospital Security Bug

 Seems a considerable issue, with broad ransomware target.  How many other targets like this exist? 

Security Bug Affects Nearly All Hospitals in North America

TechRadar, Anthony Spadafora, August 2, 2021

Researchers at security firm Armis identified nine critical vulnerabilities in the Nexus Control Panel that powers all current models of Swisslog Healthcare's Translogic pneumatic tube system (PTS) stations. The Translogic PTS system is used in 3,000 hospitals worldwide and 80% of major hospitals in North America to deliver medications, blood products, and lab samples across multiple hospital departments. Hackers can exploit the vulnerabilities, dubbed PwnedPiper, to gain control over a hospital's pneumatic tube network, with the potential to launch ransomware attacks. Armis' Ben Seri said his firm had told Swisslog of the vulnerabilities at the beginning of May, “and has been working with the manufacturer to test the available patch and ensure proper security measures will be provided to customers."

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