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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

IBM Doubles Quantum Speed, But Reveals Key Issues

Performance aspect is interesting,  but the inherent noisiness of quantum is troubling.   The notion that quantum switches could act at a distance, as was presented to me, made me wonder how such noise could be dealt with.  Had thought that was solved.   Also, was unaware of the rapid failure of such switches, seems a fundamental shortcoming.   Are there proposed approaches to address these problems?

IBM Doubles Quantum Performance 
Computer Business Review  By Ed Targett

IBM said it has advanced quantum-computing performance while recording the lowest error rates it has ever quantified. The company measures performance through Quantum Volume, a full-system metric encompassing gate and measurement errors, device cross talk and connectivity, and circuit software compiler efficiency. The company says quantum performance has doubled every year since 2017. However, according to IBM, quantum computers are still too ‘noisy’ to allow meaningful computations, especially since quantum switches typically begin to fail after just fractions of a second (compared to the scale of years before classical switches typically fail).  ... " 

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