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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Would You Take Financial Advice From A.I.?

 Sttill waiting for a good opportunity.

Would You Take Financial Advice From an A.I.?

By The New York Times,  May 22, 2023

As of now, the technology is promising, but its not 100% accurate.

Even if you don’t think you’re familiar with it, chances are you’ve already been using generative A.I.

Paul Weiner, an artist, has been experimenting with artificial intelligence for the past year, generating A.I.-created visual disinformation and seeing whether he can get the images to spread. But recently, he turned to ChatGPT, a chatbot that has the ability to respond to complex questions, for a much different reason: With his 30th birthday looming, he decided to ask it for advice about retirement planning.

"Maybe ChatGPT would have some answers that I might otherwise get from someone who I'd have to pay a lot of money to," he said.

Generative A.I. like ChatGPT has knowledge workers gripping the rails, bracing for how it might affect their jobs, and consumers leaning in to see what costly services could soon be replaced with a prompt. As the investment industry turns to artificial intelligence as a financial planning and advice tool, the values of accuracy, humanity, security and accessibility are jostling for prominence. In the future, who — or what — will we be asking to advise us on some of life's most important decisions?

From The New York Times

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