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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Data Monetization Strategy

Led to look at this concept again, we spent much time on the problem.

Framing a winning data monetization strategy   By Sid Mohasseb in   kpmg.com

At many forward looking organizations across the globe, an immediate and evolving new front of competitiveness, data monetization, is bein added to the C-Suite and Board agendas. Highly competitive and innovative companies constantly seek new competitive grounds and explore new paths to success. The recent advent of the technological advancements in Big Data and analytics has paved the road to a new era of competitiveness; an era where data is viewed strategically and as a living and evolving asset, an asset that can unleash new opportunities for monetization. The use of data and analytics to enhance decisions is not new or novel. The new frontier is exploiting and monetizing data in a coordinated and organization-wide manner to strategically advance our competitive advantage; a strategic goal that demands a strategic approach and framework. This document offers a dynamic framework for developing a winning data monetization strategy – a framework that considers the varying data sources, offers a process for recognition of value, presents applicable business model options, explores commercialization alternatives and points to the various challenges to be addressed. ... " 

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